The local Kentucky Career Center (KCC) a partner in the Kentucky Career Center that offers a one-stop solution to employers and job seekers. Both employers and job seekers have direct access to information about everything from job openings to specialized assistance and training programs. The Career Center staff is also available to help employers access the most recent labor market information, on-the-job training opportunities and other employment-related assistance like:


  • Job Search Assistance
  • Job Matching
  • Job Referrals
  • Employment Applications 
  • Veterans Programs
  • Trade Act Program 
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs 
  • Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills
  • Skill Development.
  • Employability and Computer skills workshops 
  • Relocation assistance for a job outside the area

For more information, please click this link:

West Kentucky Workforce Rapid Response Information

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