Provider Information
Shannon Cole, DNP, APRN practiced as an nurse practitioner for 28 years. “The majority of my practice hours have been in a rural clinic in Kentucky, caring for underserved patients. In addition to this, I have worked in an acute care clinic, and a women’s health clinic where I delivered pre-natal care. My specialty interests are in women’s health and pediatrics.”
Awards & Honors
Finalist March of Dimes Nurse of the Year, Nov 2017
Provine, A; Davidson, H.; Waynick, P.; Cole, S.; Rosenstiel, D.; Lofton, R.; Hilmes, M. (2022): Quality improvement projects conducted by interprofessional teams of learners: Implementation and impact, Journal of Interprofessional Care, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2022
Cole, S. (2020). Herpes Simplex Virus: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. The Nursing Clinics of North America, 55(3), 337-345.
Cole, S. & Hopkins, L. (2019). The consequences of sugar consumption. The Nurse Practitioner: TheAmerican Journal of Primary Healthcare, 44 (10): 38-42.
Davidson, H.; Hilmes, M.; Cole, S.;Waynick-Rogers, P; Provine, A.; Rosensteil, D.; Norman, L; Miller, B. (2019) The Vanderbilt Program in Interprofessional Learning (VPIL): Sustaining a longitudinal, clinical experience aligning practice with education; Academic Medicine, 95 (4): 553-558
Cole, S. (2018) Evaluation and treatment of adrenal dysfunction in the primary care environment. Nursing Clinics of North America. 53(3); 385-394.
Rogers, PW.; Hilmes, M.; Cole, S.; Provine, A.; Lofton, R.; Rosensteil, D.; Davidson, H. (2018) Design and impact of on orientation for an interprofessional education program. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 13; 8-11
Research Experience
IRB Approved Studies: Principal Investigator
2023-present: Firefly Clinic: Buprenorphine and Dental Health
2019-present: Nursing graduates and interprofessional practice: A longitudinal study designed to
measure impact. Vanderbilt School of Nursing Faculty Scholar Project.